Old Ties

Old Ties One of the things I truly enjoy about P48 is how much presence a simple vignette may have. As I continue to experiment with the coloring of weathered ties, I decided to create this scene near the decommissioned turnout east of the grade crossing. This pile of...

Reworking The Color Of Existing Track

So much of what we do in modeling is subjective and interpretive in nature. I often go back and rework the color and texture of existing track. I have altered the colors, added more texture and happily carved away at ties for a rotted and decayed look. I don’t worry...

Weathering Ties

Weathering Ties  A rivet counter rethinks old habits. In chapter four of Detailing Track, I outlined a convoluted, throw whatever is on the paint shelf procedure for coloring and weathering the ties of my handlaid track. The results were okay but I often went back...

Track Tells A Story

Communication is one of those words with multiple meanings. On the surface there is an exchange of information, whether it’s facts or ideas. Going deeper though, good communication helps the receiver see the world through the eyes of the communicator. For most...