OST Publications Blog

by Dec 30, 2019

In The Process

Think back to the beginning of your interest in model trains. The odds are you started from zero, knowing nothing or very little about the craft. So you read a bunch of books and magazine articles, or scoured YouTube and learned how to do stuff. Your knowledge was...

Moving Forward

As I shared in the last post, the current build reached an important stage. With the underframe all but completed, it was time to evaluate the work. Having done so, I'm both pleased and disappointed. I'm pleased that most of the critical dimensions are on either...

Soldering Small Parts

The knee jerk choice in a post like this is to convey how pleased I am with these pieces, how they weren't that big of a deal and went together with relative ease. What utter nonsense that would have been, because it minimizes the process of learning I experienced....

My Approach To A Subject

There's more than one way to approach a subject.My early approach to modeling was shaped by the general interest magazines. Being a rank novice at building, I wanted to know how to do things like capture the shape of the object, the sizes of the parts and how to make...