Modeling The Intangible

Is it possible to capture the intangible qualities of an object or scene in model form? And just what am I referring to when speaking of intangible? Call it atmosphere, character or whatever you choose, modelers have been chasing greater levels of realism for decades....

Best Practices?

Best practices are those methods that have proven their worth over time. They’re a good thing but not always. In our craft, one such idea is having enough track for a host of different train/switching moves to sustain operator interest over the long term. For...

Another Piece of The Puzzle Filled In

Monday morning bright and early, found me headed toward Brookville to shoot photos for the next edition of The Missing Conversation. Swinging past the shingle plant and seeing no rail activity or even any cars, I continued on south down Route 52. My best-laid plans...

Road Work

When I removed the excess track near the mill a few weeks ago, I also removed the section of Mill St. from the crossing to the back drop. My thinking was to alter the shape and direction of the street for a more graceful transition into the backdrop. Well, as I...