Process Not Product

Why would you model track like this? Seriously, why would you choose this route over, say, commercial track that you could slap down in a fraction of the time and call it done? A lot of people tell me they would love to have track like this but it’s too much...

TMC07 Ready To Go.

Volume 07 of The Missing Conversation is ready for download. From one era to the next and from mainline to secondary track, there are distinct differences that we seldom pay attention to. And, let’s get this question out of the way now. This is not just a rehash...

In Case You Missed It, We Sell Books

That’s my day job here; creating and selling books that take a different approach to the hobby from the cookie-cutter norm. The blog isn’t going away, but it’s mainly for fun. Here is a short (less than a minute each) video I made about one of our...

Working with long turnouts

Over the years, I’ve begun thinking “railroad” over “trackplan” whenever I’m designing any aspect of a layout. When researching the branchline that inspired the I&W, I obtained permission to explore the yard at Brookville. This...